Season Matches
What type of matches have occurred this season and how many of each?
Official Matches
Fun Matches
Favorite Season Maps
Which map is your favorite and is it on the list? If not, go gather players and play some matches on those maps!
Map Name | Match Count |
DucatiMini | 127 |
PassTheFlag | 26 |
HiX | 23 |
Unknown Mini | 4 |
Dragon's Den | 3 |
Pillbox | 1 |
Micro Pillbox | 1 |
Season Leaderboard
How do you rank amongst the leaders of this season? Got what it takes to climb up to the top? Put your money where your Elo is.
Position | Player | Elo |
1. | Cole ll | 1220 |
2. | False Flag | 1213 |
3. | Soraya | 1212 |
4. | mudfreak | 1207 |
5. | GEP | 1204 |
6. | Samson1 | 1202 |
7. | ducatiwannabe | 1201 |
8. | Bertman | 1199 |
9. | 02345n-xowu | 1190 |
10. | Scarborough | 1187 |
Most Active FMers
Who doesn't love a good old fun match? Well, these players certainly love them.
Position | Player | Match Count |
1. | GEP | 128 |
2. | w339 | 77 |
3. | Bertman | 72 |
4. | ducatiwannabe | 64 |
5. | Moroni | 62 |
6. | False Flag | 56 |
7. | starburst384 | 50 |
8. | Scarborough | 49 |
9. | kierra | 46 |
10. | mudfreak | 41 |
Most Active Offi Matchers
If you're in it for the Elo, these are the players to compete against.
Position | Player | Match Count |
1. | mudfreak | 6 |
1. | GEP | 6 |
2. | w339 | 5 |
2. | Cole ll | 5 |
3. | 02345n-xowu | 3 |
3. | etigah | 3 |
4. | Samson1 | 2 |
4. | False Flag | 2 |
5. | ducatiwannabe | 1 |
5. | Scarborough | 1 |